Biting the Bullet

Biting the Bullet

It started in St Louis.

The girls couldn’t seem to kick the game balls properly for some reason. I thought it was because the balls SLSG supplied that first weekend of competition were old, water-logged (do soccer balls even get water-logged these days), or over-inflated.

Can anyone say St Louisgate?

Our club supplied 2 new game balls for us before our home opener vs Eclipse Select, and it was clear the girls could not strike these balls as well as they had been striking their Select soccer balls.

The Select soccer balls that the girls use were $45/ea, the families picked up that cost, and I was still a bit hesitant to place this extra financial burden on them.

After this past weekend in Kansas City, it was time to bite the bullet on this purchase. The girls need to train with this soccer ball and get used to its weight and feel. I should have made this purchase then, but decided to wait a week or so to see how things progressed.

Much as I’d like to have each player own and train with their own game ball, it’s crazy to ask a family to purchase a $150 soccer ball for a 12-yr-old.

Isn’t it?

Got home from KC last night and immediately purchased six for the team.

Won’t bill the team families for this.

Rather, I’m expecting all my poker buddies down at Canterbury Park to cover any costs associated with this purchase this week…

Winter Training Kickoff

Winter Training Kickoff

Adding in Some Futsal

Adding in Some Futsal